Tag Archives: positive

Put a Positive Spin on Everything

A potential employer wants to hire people with a positive attitude. You should project this image in your demeanor, facial expressions, and most importantly in the content of your answers. You may be the strongest candidate that the interviewer has seen but you still will not get the job if you are negative and insult former bosses or co-workers. The best way to do this is to put a positive spin on all of your answers. Many interviews will include a question along one of these lines: […]

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Be Honest in Job Interviews

There is a difference between telling a story highlighting the positive to make you sound better and lying to the interviewer. It is rare for a company to not conduct reference check these days so don’t say anything that can not be verified by your boss or other references that you provide. There are many ways to get into trouble during an interview and lying is the most severe. Common fibs that are told include educational degrees that you do not hold, saying that you are a […]

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