Tag Archives: interview

How to Answer the Tough Interview Questions

Each interview has at least one, a question that you really don’t know the best way to answer. It is the one that you agonize over for days and keep going over it and over it in your head and you ask others how they would have answered. There is not way to avoid these types of questions but you can answer them with confidence to give yourself peace of mind until you get a call back. Do not feel that you have to answer immediately after […]

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Explaining Gaps in Employment

When you get to the interview, be prepared to discuss your resume. In addition to explaining why you left previous companies and chit chat about the position, if you have any gaps in employment be prepared to explain them. Many people are scared that an interviewer is going to discover that they were without a job for a period of time. It is not necessarily a bad thing, but you do have to be able to tell the interviewer why in the best possible light. You should […]

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Etiquette Rules During Job Interviews

During an interview you need to mind your manners and follow an unspoken code of etiquette. This is more than your mom’s “keep your elbows off the table.” Business manners are going to be key, an interview is so much more than what you have to say’ it is how you present (or sell) yourself. If part of the job you are applying for is dealing with clients or executives from other companies, you can be guaranteed how you act is part of the decision making process. […]

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Enthusiasm in a Job Interview

Are you excited at the prospect of getting a new job and are thrilled that you were called in for an interview? Well, then show it when you are being interviewed! Bring an energy and attitude to the interview that will make the company take notice. The process of interviewing is usual a long and boring one for those on the other side of the table. Do your part to make it easier for them to choose you as the best candidate. Just think of all the […]

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Be Specific When Answering Questions

Sometimes – or more like every time – you go for an interview, your nerves make it hard to concentrate and answer questions to the best of your ability. The important thing to remember is to really listen to the questions being asked. If the interviewer tells you they want a specific example, don’t answer with a general how you would do something – it is a surefire way to ruin your chances for the job. These types of questions are known as situational questions. If an […]

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Be Honest in Job Interviews

There is a difference between telling a story highlighting the positive to make you sound better and lying to the interviewer. It is rare for a company to not conduct reference check these days so don’t say anything that can not be verified by your boss or other references that you provide. There are many ways to get into trouble during an interview and lying is the most severe. Common fibs that are told include educational degrees that you do not hold, saying that you are a […]

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Be Confident in a Job Interview

Who isn’t nervous during a job interview? Even the most self-assured candidate is going to have a moment or two of self-doubt. But the trick is to keep this to yourself and portray an image of confidence. This is what a potential employer wants to see if you are not confident in your own abilities why should they be. Here are a few ways to exude confidence. Make eye contact, nothing is more of a dead give away of poor self-confidence than a person that will not […]

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Preparing for a Job Interview

It is completely natural to feel nervous before a job interview but you can minimize pre-interview jitters with some preparation. Hopefully you have completed initial research on the company you applied for before being called in for an interview but you are going to need to do more. You will never know exactly what is going to be asked of you (unless you have an inside source), but you can be ready for the questions by knowing your stuff. Look up the company website and study the […]

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